We create opportunities for positive impact in everything we do, empowering those we touch along the way.

brewing coffee that's bettr for the world

Over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed globally every day.

The impact of its production, transport, and consumption reach far beyond what we perceive. But we love coffee so much we’re building a sustainable ecosystem of employees, businesses, and customers who will champion a new generation that creates lasting impact for the community and environment.

In addition to sourcing sustainably, we collaborate with other businesses for good. We strive to reduce carbon footprint by adopting eco-friendly practices such as repurposing materials, reducing harmful impact for our beloved planet.


At the heart of our business is our social mission to impact and empower marginalised groups. We believe in people first, adopting a holistic approach to personal development and impacting each individual in meaningful ways.

Our Social Programmes provide opportunities for at-risk youth, marginalised women, and individuals from low-income or educational backgrounds. Through mental, emotional and physical training, we equip them with skills to deal with life’s challenges and kickstart their careers in the specialty coffee industry.

Over the course of 10 years, we have successfully achieved these milestones –

  • 195 students with over 580 dependents impacted
  • Cumulative income of $4.8 million since 2012 
  • 35 intakes of Social Programmes delivered
  • $1.2 million committed to training since 2012


We stay true to our commitment in helping marginalised communities by providing employment opportunities for those in our Social Programmes, and continuing to engage those who complete the programme. Marginalised groups, different ethnicities, and ages are represented in our motley crew. We conduct emotional intelligence and work skills training to manage employees’ mental well-being and encourage them to continuously upgrade their skills.

improving livelihoods

From Asia to Latin America, we look to establish partnerships with those of like-minded values and goals, including smallholder farms, certified B Corporations, and others in the Rainforest Alliance. We nurture direct trading relationships, to maximise the commercial benefit for smallholder farms and their extended communities.

  • Finca La Valentina, a micro estate family-owned farm run by the Osorio brothers in the Boquete region of Panama. They provide employment to 8 out of 10 families in the area, helping to improve their living conditions, hygiene and sanitation.
  • Kinunu Agroprocessing, a family-owned farm on the shores of Lake Kivu in Western Rwanda. About 90% of the female workers on the farm were able to receive better accommodation, sanitation and education.
  • Mt. Argopuro in Tlogosari village, East Java. 20% of their sales profit goes to a local non-profit organisation, Pokmas Walida, to help run a local K-12 school and support the education of the villagers

sustainability in our roots

At every point, we think of ways to act better for our planet and expand our sustainable efforts. In a bid to cushion our environmental impact, we’ve been intentional when it comes to the materials we use, choosing compostable paper cups and biodegradable lids that are able to break down and decompose. Every cup delivered to your doorstep leaves traces of carbon footprint. To support a sustainable future, we perform most of our deliveries via Shippit’s 100% carbon neutral delivery; carbon offsets are purchased to aid projects that lessen greenhouse gas emissions. 

Where possible, we implement eco-friendly practices to limit the harmful effects on our environment—one of which being fitting our roastery with solar panels, providing 40% renewable energy. We’ve also found a way to repurpose the used coffee grounds we generate daily, giving it a new lease of life with the help of a few partners—Khoo Teck Puat Hospital’s rooftop farm turns it into compost, while A1 Environment converted it into wood-like panels for furniture.

Step by step, we’re edging closer to our goal of a Net Zero future.


In 2011, one coffee-loving woman set her sights on building a business for good. 11 years later, this home-grown specialty coffee company—Singapore’s first certified B-Corporation—is the leading provider of professional coffee education and specialty coffee products for retail and wholesale. We also offer large-scale corporate event services and operate retail bars islandwide, amplifying positive social impact in the community. With our social programmes for marginalised groups, we empower lives and build socially conscious communities wherever we operate.

We’re proud to be the 2017 President’s Challenge Social Enterprise of the Year winner and a Best For The World (Community) organisation from 2016-2019.